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Terribly Happy Full Movie Part 1

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Terribly Happy Full Movie Part 1

Relationship Advice - How to Have a Better Marriage. The key to not letting little problems turn into big problems (or letting big problems turn into giant problems) is to specifically address concerns as they arise. Ideally, you and your partner should discuss them within 2. This is important because if you don't identify and address specific concerns immediately, it can cause feelings of resentment, tension, and unhappiness to build." —Tomanika Perry- Witherspoon, licensed therapist and owner of Growing Counseling Services. RELATED: 9 Fights You're Not Having But Should.

Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. People blame when they're upset and unable to adequately articulate their frustration. But when you blame your partner, you put him/her on the defensive, creating an unsafe environment, and cause him or her to pull away. Instead of blaming and being a victim, the emotionally mature response is to understand what is really bothering you. Every frustration is really a request — figure out your unmet need and ask for that instead of blaming. You're more likely to have a more successful outcome that way." —Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, licensed clinical professional counselor, certified Imago relationship therapist, and founder of The Marriage Restoration Project. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

The majority of work I do with couples is helping them recognize how their partners feel, hear, and experience love. Not everyone communicates or perceives love the same way, and you can't assume that what makes you feel loved is what makes your partner feel loved. For instance, a woman often values hearing compliments or words of encouragement more than daily actions, whereas a man can hear 'I love you' all day long but it isn't until his wife remembers the way he orders his sandwich or when she cleans the house before he comes home from a business trip that he truly feels it. Communicate the way your partner needs you to." —Kendra Davies, certified coach, speaker and owner of Stellar Life Coaching. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Intimacy is the key to a strong, happy relationship, but sex is not the only intimacy that matters.

Being able to share your insecurities, fears, desires, dreams, and hopes is true intimacy. Relationships erode over time and not having sex is a far more common issue than we think, but before couples stop having sex they stop being intimate. After you're able to feel trust, safety, loyalty, attraction, and vulnerability and be authentic with your partner, the sex will be amazing."  —Davies. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. A strong and fun friendship is the number one rule when having a long- term happy relationship. When partners can laugh and have fun together, it creates a stronger bond to help them get through the rough patches. Every relationship has rough periods and negative interactions.

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Terribly Happy Full Movie Part 1

We need to ensure that we outweigh the negative with the positive." —Amanda Rose, professional matchmaker and relationship expert at Dating Boutique, Inc. RELATED: [link href="/love- sex/relationships/g. Longtime Couples Share the Marriage Tip That's Kept Them Together. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Taking care with grooming and appearance shows respect for yourself and consideration for your partner. There is no turn- off like a partner who lets their appearance get sloppy, dresses shabbily, or isn't consistent with basic hygiene like bathing and brushing teeth.

This will impact your partner's attraction and desire for intimacy, both of which are very important contributors to a happy relationship. No one's saying you have to forever look the same as you did on your wedding day, but you can put in the little extra daily effort it takes to look nice." —Toni Coleman, psychotherapist and relationship coach.

Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. It's so important to keep relationship issues between the two of you.

Respect their privacy by expressing upset and complaints to your partner only — not to friends, family members, and definitely not on social media. This helps you both to heal and repair your issues by becoming each other's advocate." —Sarah Mandel, a psychotherapist and Imago relationship therapist based in NJAdvertisement - Continue Reading Below. It can be tempting to complain about your in- laws, but happy couples accentuate the positive in each other — and that means finding the good in your spouse's parents.

Focus on the positive aspects of your partner's family. Doing so puts less pressure on your spouse, which ultimately lessens the tension between the two of you." —Mandel. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

Make some rules or guidelines around how you will both contribute to finances. For example, decide how much each person will contribute to the mortgage and bills and then give each partner a specific allowance to spend on themselves. Be flexible and realize that the rules will change depending on your situation. The most important thing is to work as a team when it comes to money, rather than battling each other." —Cathryn Mora, relationship coach and creator of Love. Spark. MEAdvertisement - Continue Reading Below. Don't spend alone time with a person of the opposite sex in a date- like situation, like getting drinks, going for coffee, seeing a movie — especially not drinks. Of course couples need to trust each other for their relationship to survive, but it's also important to respect your partner and not put yourself in a potentially risky situation.

A perfectly innocent friendship can change when alcohol is involved, especially if you're sharing details about the relationship, an argument you've had with your partner, or other intimate things." —Mora. RELATED: 2. 3 Secrets Husbands and Wives Keep From Each Other. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Strong couples do not hide things from each other. It can feel scary at first, but being honest and vulnerable with your partner allows both of you to open yourselves up to the other person completely." —Fran Walfish, Ph. D., a Beverly Hills family and relationship psychotherapist, author of The Self- Aware Parent, and co- star on Sex Box on WEtv. Chosen Full Movie.

Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Unless you truly want one, take divorce off the table. When you get in a big fight and throw around the word divorce, it begins to erode the relationship. Divorce should only be used in the most dire of circumstances. A strong relationship can get through infidelity, loss of a job, change in a health status, and most other challenges." —Stacey Greene, author of Stronger Than Broken — One Couple's Decision to Move Through An Affair.

Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. We tend to 'fill in the blanks' when we're unclear about something our partner is saying. But instead of assuming — which leads to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and resentment — simply ask them. Say, 'This is what I heard you say: __________.

Is it what you said? Is it what you meant?' It gives the partner two chances to clarify his or her meaning." —Elayne Savage, Ph.

D., relationship coach and author of Breathing Room — Creating Space to Be a Couple. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Stop trying to fix your partner, you didn't break them to begin with. Change can happen only if the person a) wants it or b) life forces it of them.

You can be a change catalyst if the person is at either of these points in their lives.

Something is Terribly Wrong With Many "Kids" Videos on You. Tube. A great number of You. Tube videos aimed at children contain creepy, disturbing, violent and sexual content. Some even border on child abuse. It is time to take a closer look at these videos that generate millions of views per day. Warning: This article contains disturbing images … although they’re all taken from children’s videos. There is no easier way to get small children to pipe down than handing them a tablet or a smartphone.

Toddlers know how to launch You. Tube, play videos and even navigate to other “recommended videos”. This keeps children silent and entertained for long periods of time – a luxury that busy parents greatly appreciate. While most parents hear the children’s music playing in the background, they rarely watch the videos played by their children. When they do glimpse at the screen, they see a  character such as Spiderman or Princess Elsa and assume that everything is cool.

But everything is not cool. There is something terribly wrong with some children’s You. Tube videos and, often, those who create them do not have the best of intentions. A great deal of these videos contains weird, disturbing, violent and even traumatizing content. They are insidiously mixed with other children’s videos, causing them to appear as “recommended videos” by You. Tube and, therefore, easily accessible to children.

I am not talking about rare, obscure videos hiding in the depths of You. Tube, I am talking about channels that cumulate billions of views. Of course, the main motivation behind these videos is profit. All it takes is a few superhero costumes and a smartphone to create videos that can potentially generate lots of revenue.

However, some of these videos are simply not right. There appears to be a motivation that goes beyond profit. Some videos trick children into watching traumatizing content, others expose them to oddly “adult” situations.

Even worse, some appear to cater to adults … who like to watch children. Here are some examples of the video cancer growing on You. Tube (I won’t be linking to any of these videos or channels because I don’t want to help them get more hits). Tricking Children. Some video channels use popular characters to trick children into watching violent and disturbing material. The BBC recently reported on some of these videos. Mickey Mouse gets his ear cut off with scissors.

Lots of blood. An evil little Spiderman cuts the top off a girl’s bikini. In another disturbing video, Peppa Pig turns into Venom and looks quite demonic. Exploiting Fears and Terror. Many videos clearly exploit children’s visceral fear and repulsion of certain things such as blood, syringes, cutting skin, tarentulas, evil clowns attacking them, etc. Children are horrified by what they are watching yet they cannot look away because the content is engrossing. A great number of videos revolve around the theme of cutting open the stomach and extracting all kinds of weird and horrible things. In this video, a scalpel cuts open this bear’s stomach and a big ugly worm pops out.

In this video, a “nurse” cuts open a small girl’s stomach and takes out all kinds of scary objects such as a huge kitchen knife. Here, someone dressed as the Joker threatens to throw a baby down the toilet.

A great way to start potty training. In this video, creepy fake babies end up covered with spiders and cockroaches. A giant tarantula crawling on a girl sleeping with a pacifier. In this video, a bear poops all over his entire family. He then ends up stuck in the washing machine as family members drop their dirty clothes inside of it.

All the while, a horrible rendition of the “Daddy Finger” song plays in the background. So many videos feature that song – as if something about it captures children’s attention. Adult Situations. Some videos are clearly sexual – in a creepy and perverted way. This video strongly hints to Spiderman doing it with Elsa. Here, Spiderman grabs Elsa’s breasts for a very long time.

Hulk and a bunch of other dudes are watching in the background. This entire video features Elsa and Spiderman in all kinds of … positions. You. Tube is also quick to recommend a bunch of other similar videos. Each video has millions of views. Child Abuse. Several You. Tube channels star young children in all kinds of bizarre situations.

Other than the fact that these children might be forced to appear in hundreds of videos for profit, they are also often made to enact traumatic situations. Here are screenshots from a channel named Madda. Kenz Vlogs where the girls often appear to be genuinely unhappy and distressed.

Many videos feature the girls screaming or crying their heart out. In this video, this girl has something in her mouth that tastes horrible … And she’s forced to keep it in her mouth … And she doesn’t seem to be acting. Later in the video, they are eating snow with dog pee on it. Hopefully, it is fake pee. But still. Here, a girl takes something from the toilet and force feeds it to the other girl.

She doesn’t like this. In another video, a creepy dude with clown makeup barges into the girls’ house and starts grabbing them while the girls scream and attempt to resist him. Things get even weirder – to the point that I feel uncomfortable even posting screenshots on there. But this filth needs to be exposed. The two girls are sitting in a bathtub dressed as mermaids.

Who would actually sit there and watch that? You know who. The girls are then given lipstick and they begin smearing their faces with it. There are actual adult videos that feature this type of stuff. Catering to Pervs. Unfortunately, there are other channels that produce these kinds of videos. Watch Claire In Motion Online Mic.

There are tons of bizarre videos of children in bathing suits getting a shot in the butt. WHY?!?!? A girl in a high- cut outfit appears to be bleeding + there are bugs around her.

EVERYTHING about that video is wrong.“Recommended videos” leads to a bunch of disturbing thumbnails and so much more content. In Conclusion. Viewing these videos in order to write this article was a disturbing experience. Most of them trigger that gut feeling that something is wrong and that children’s innocence is being preyed on by twisted minds. Although there’s an absurd amount of this type of content on You. Tube (this article could have been 1. I attempted to expose the various reasons why these videos are cancerous.

Using underhanded and manipulative ways, these videos deliver disturbing content directly into the brains of very young children. One wonders how these “amateur” channels can even exploit the likeness of these children’s characters without being hit with copyright infringement lawsuits. Also, many channels are clearly sponsored by major brands to produce videos that brainwash children into consuming their stuff (I recall watching a video where The Hulk eats Kinder chocolates for like 4 minutes non- stop). Obviously, there is big money and big corporations behind these cheap- looking videos.

However, the true aim of this article is not about You. Tube moderation, it is about vigilance: Keep an eye on the videos watched by children. Analyze their contents. It only takes a few taps on a touchscreen for children to end up watching videos custom- made to poison their minds and shock their very core. And don’t be surprised if some of these video channels are linked to actual child abuse systems.